
555 timer pin function

1ground0 V supply
2triggerWhen the pin voltage falls below 0.33 Vcc, the timer is triggered and the output goes high. In the monostable configuration a high to low transition on the trigger pin starts the timer.
3outputThe output pulses during astable operation and goes high for a set time in monostable operation.
4resetIf reset is not used, connect it to Vcc. If reset falls, a high output will be forced low.
5control voltageFor reliable operation add a 10 nF capacitor to ground on this pin.
6thresholdDetects when the voltage on the timing capacitor rises above 0.66 Vcc and resets the output when this happens.
7dischargeProvides a discharge path from the timing capacitor to ground when the output is low.
8VccPositive power supply voltage.

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